
Top haunted places in the world

Some people are fond so haunted houses and spooky places. There is a long list for the scary places in the world, though here are a few places that are for sure going to get under your nerves:


1.      Island of the dolls- Mexico city

The island of dead dolls is located to the south of Mexico city. It is advised to take a ferry to reach it. It is believed that Santana hung various dolls on the island believing that a dead girl's ghost haunted the island. The dolls continue to hold a vigil on the island's trees and buildings.

$2 USD is charged to reach the island and a little tip is charged if you want to know more about the island or you want to see the island by yourself.


2.      The Stanley hotel Colorado

Stanley hotel has a total of 142 rooms, though there are a few rooms that have experienced the most spooky activities and are most requested by the customers. The room numbers of these rooms are Room 217, 401, 407 and 428. Out of these Room 217 is considered to be the scariest. It is known as the famous Stephen king suite and is known for its high paranormal activity. It costs $500 to stay at the room number 217 for a night and it is worth it!!


3.      Bran castle- Romania

Bran castle is associated with the fictional vampire i.e. Count Dracula. His real name is Vlad III and he is also known as the Prince of Wallachia. The castle is now for sale for $66 million.


4.      The door to Hell- Turkmenistan

The door to hell is also known as “Darvaza gas crater”. This fire pit has also been called as the gates to hell. It has been burning since 50 years and is still burning. It was created in 1971 when a Soviet drilling rig mistakenly punched an underground natural gas covern. Thus it is a covern of burning methane gas now. It is located in Turkmenistan.


5.      Sedlec Ossuary- Czech Republic

Sedlec ossuary is a roman catholic chapel located in Czech republic. It was built between 1290 to 1320. It looks simple when looked from the outside but it contains bones of thousands of humans in its basement. These bones are beautifully carved and now artistically cover everything in sight. Ossuaries are generally used when the burial space is less. This place is a part of the UNESCO world heritage site. 30,000 skeletons were added to the ossuary after the plague and later on the number kept on rising. Every bone of the bodies was used for specific decoration purposes and the whole Ossuary now stands with these artefacts.

So, these make up the 5 most spookiest places in the world. Visit them only if you are strong hearted and not scared off easily.