Did you know that marriage is the purest form of union with the individual we love the most?
Marriage is the beginning of the family and with a commitment. It is an opportunity to grow selflessness with your wife and children. It is more than a physical union; and also an emotional and a spiritual union. The two individuals who love each other get together to begin the family and to grow old in a legal form.
2020, The creepiest and an ugly year ever, we all stuck at home, but every bad thing has a good side too, and due to this we all can spend the whole year with our loved ones; And it made our year even better, we were happy.
Many couples got married in 2020, and they are all happy. According to astrology, 2020 was an excellent year for marriage. Most people are not aware of ‘’The Grand weddings of 2020’’. So, start jotting down your way with us.

This gorgeous couple also gets married in 2020. Demi is Miss Universe, and she was Shine Curry on her wedding day and looked stunning with her husband in a white dress. They both said I Do and live happily together. Both of them have been together for two years, and they finally got married.

Their marriage was unique as they got married on zoom app, an online marriage, and after that, they told everyone about their marriage on the social media platforms. There is a lot of difference if we compare age, but everything is fair in love, and age is just a number; they prove this to everyone.
Clearly, You all saw that 2020 was a bad year, but many good things have happened in it too. We are all safe, so we have to be thankful. Seeing these marriages gives next level happiness to their fans. All the couples are very lucky that they got married to their love.