
Best type of marketing research!!

People conduct market researches to know about their brand value and views of the public about the products and services they offer. There are a lot of ways for marketing research, though the 4 main ones are given under:

1.      Surveys

The most famous way of marketing research is to conduct surveys. Surveys can be conducted in a variety of ways. Home to home surveys, questionnaires to students or online surveys are the various methods of conducting surveys. The most famous method of conducting surveys is online surveys. Many apps like Rakuten insights and crownit are rewarding their users with cash and other rewards just for filling in 5 to 10 minute surveys. These surveys help companies in knowing about the views of customers about their products as well as any improvement that they might like.

2.      Interviews

The second most famous method of marketing research are interviews. These provide one to one insights into the public's views. When you go to a person and talk to them about their usage of a product, their likes and dislikes, there is a greater chance that you will have far more insights than just getting a survey filled online. In reality, you are also able to see the reactions and expressions of the interviewees to certain questions.


3.      Focus groups

The 3rd way are focus groups. Finding a focus group for your product and asking them to use the product free of cost in return for their reviews is also done by many companies. This ensures that there is definite incentive for the customer to try the product along with the company's benefit of getting the honest reviews from people.


4.      Customer observation

The last method is customer observation. Here, individuals are monitored to know their reactions to use of certain products. They are studied and this helps the company in deciding which product to improve and which not. 

Though focus groups and customer observation are not very famous methods of marketing research they are being carried out by smaller companies. Surveys and interviews are costly but they do provide greater knowledge about market preferences to the companies. 

They provide a one to one interaction and are much more personal compared to focus groups and customer interactions. Also, the identity is not revealed in surveys which is a greater incentive for people to tell the truth.

These were the 4 best ways of marketing research. It is very hard to choose one from these, as all of them have their own merits and demerits. They are used by various companies on the basis of their size and composition and all of them are of significance when it comes to marketing research.